Friday, June 18, 2010

Midwest roadways

On Sunday morning, June 13 we left San Antonio towards New Orleans to embark on our first tour.

We hit up St. Louis and Chicago en route to the Allied Media Conference in Detroit, MI.

Our gig at Cicero's was a warm welcome into the Midwest and the world of becoming a national band. We performed with (the) Fracture Suit and In Limbo, who gave us a taste of the diverse sounds St. Louis had to offer. The sound was great and we were well received.

We were happy to return to Chicago to perform at a fundraiser for the Repeal Coalition of Arizona. Money from this show are being donated to the coalition towards efforts to repeal SB1070. We are proud to be a part of the movement.

Our travels have lead us to our cornerstone stop in Detroit, MI to attend the Allied Media Conference representing Local 782 and the Media Justice League. The 3 day event just got underway and it is exciting to be surrounded by so many positive, progressive, motivated people.

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